Who We Are
Leland Smith Insurance (LSI) is an independent and trusted choice insurance agency. Established in 1984, we have grown from a single entity to a large agency with small agency values comprising many branches. Based in Ohio, our operating license also covers insurance services in Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia.

What We Stand For
Leland Smith Insurance is renowned for serving its clients well. Because we hold dearly to a culture of easy accessibility and relationship, we personalize our clients’ needs through personal contact. Our plans are designed according to the customers’ needs in a manner that incorporates their families. Spending time with our clients while translating their needs into customized policies ultimately turns us into their friend. We work together as a team.

What We Offer
At Leland Smith Insurance, we render a wide range of insurance services covering home, auto, life, farm, business, senior products, long-term care, and disability. As an independent agency with huge outreach, we seek to provide the right coverage for our customers’ needs at the best possible rates.